fall river estes park lodging boulder brook BOOK NOW Reservations: +1 (970) 586-0910
estes park lodging
Need A great gift idea? 

How about a Gift Certificate for wonderful stay on the River at Boulder Brook. Click Here to purchase

Fishing (catch and release) is permitted just steps from your suite. The Fall River is home to many varieties of trout, some of which are endangered. Fall River has rainbow and brown trout, with an occasional brook trout and greenback cutthroat. Most of the natural fish are brown trout averaging 8-10 inches. A valid Colorado fishing license is required.

Wildlife Viewing

A favorite guest activity, Boulder Brook provides excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing. Elk, deer, bighorn sheep, fox and occasionally bear have been seen on the property, attracted to the river and open spaces. Stellar’s jays, woodpeckers and magpies are seen frequently, as well as many small birds and even wild turkeys on occasion. Visit our Photo Gallery to see some of our wild visitors!

Outdoor Hot Tub and Gazebo

Enjoy our beautiful heated gazebo, with comfortable seating for wildlife watching and relaxing hot tub under the stars.


BBQs are conveniently located throughout the property.

Exquisite Adventures Travel Design

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